Issue 171    “UNION NEWS”   June 2024


Dear Parishioners,

May Sale
A huge thank you to everyone who supported and helped at this year’s sale. We had a bright sunny day and there was a
great buzz about as people browsed the stalls, enjoyed a cup of tea in the hall or a delicious burger outside. The stalls were
cleared by early afternoon and we are all delighted with the funds raised.
A special big thank you to the set-up team who were on site from early morning assembling gazebos, setting up tables and
moving boxes. Thank you to those who manned the stalls and all who helped with the tidy up. We very much appreciate all
the time people gave in preparation and on the day to ensure a successful May sale. Thank you everyone.

School End of Term
We send best wishes to all students doing exams this year and in particular remember those doing state exams.

All Saints’ School
Sending best wishes to All Saints’ 6th class as they complete their time at All Saints’ National School this June. Wishing
one and all a safe and happy summer. Thank you to the wonderful staff, have an enjoyable and restful summer break.

The end of term service will be held on Sunday 23rd June at
11am, conducted by Luke Hawkins.

This will be followed by
the Parents’ Council cake sale. Baking donations for this fundraiser would be much appreciated, please bring in on the

Youth Group
A huge thank you to all the young people who helped set up and display the stalls, sold and tidied up after the wonderful
May sale. The magical sound of chatter & laughter was a joy to hear.

Saturday Board Games continues and will run over the summer too. The next one will be on Saturday 22 June from
3pm – 5pm. It is an afternoon of laughter, playing and learning new board games. Snacks will be provided.

Youth Group in the Hub Mullingar:

A new venture for 6thclass to 6th year students has started with the first one held on
18th May. This is a supervised venue where young people can hang out and catch up.

The next date is Friday 21st Junefrom 7pm to 8.30pm.


Sunday School: this continues to be enjoyed by children and leaders alike under the guidance of Luke Hawkins. The
children get to listen and talk about bible stories, do crafts and play games. They also do show and tell to the
congregation at the end of the service. Sunday school takes place once a month. A huge thank you to Luke for his
guidance with the Youth Leaders and the young people of the parish.

Select Vestry meeting 
A meeting of the Select Vestry will be held at 7.30pm in the Church hall on Tuesday 25 th June.

Emergency Pastoral Care

During the vacancy Canon Patrick Lawrence is available for emergency pastoral care. His contact details are
0449222109 or 0860562944

Church Warden Contacts
All Saints’  hurch Arthur O’Toole 087 9733233
Almoritia Catherine Gibson Brabazon 087 7461650
Killucan Ari Gorissen 087 2742260
Kilbixy David Miller 086 1234001
Violet Medforth 087 6181155

Parish Website : Facebook Page



Church Services This Month
Sunday 2nd June  First Sunday after Trinity
All Saints’ 10am Morning Prayer Arthur O’Toole
Killucan 11.30am Morning Prayer Richard Tansley
Almoritia 10am Holy Communion Canon Patrick

Sunday 9th June Second Sunday after Trinity
All Saints’ 10am Morning Prayer Arthur O’Toole
Killucan 11.30am Morning Prayer Richard Tansley

Sunday 16th June Third Sunday after Trinity
All Saints 10am Holy Communion Canon Patrick Lawrence
Killucan 11.30am Holy Communion Canon Patrick Lawrence

Sunday 23rd June Fourth Sunday after Trinity
All Saints’ 10am Morning Prayer Luke Hawkins
All Saints’ 11am All Saints’ National School end of Term service Luke Hawkins
Killucan 11.30am Morning Prayer George Forbes

Sunday 30th June Fifth Sunday after Trinity
All Saints’ 10am Morning Prayer Pearl Cowan
Kilbixy 11.30am Morning Prayer Pearl Cowan

Sunday 7th July Sixth Sunday after Trinity

All Saints’ 10am Morning Prayer Arthur O’Toole
Killucan 11.30am Morning Prayer Richard Tansley
Almoritia 10am Holy Communion Canon Patrick Lawrence

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