Issue 67 “UNION NEWS” September 2015


Dear Parishioner(s)

This month sees the beginning of the implementation of our Parish Vision Plan. There are a number of very special events organised from now until July next year and I sincerely hope they will be well supported as they all have the purpose of helping us to build and strengthen our Parish life. In the midst of all the changes taking place in Ireland we have an opportunity, in the Mullingar Union, to develop a stable oasis of hope, encouragement and friendship. As we embark on this initiative, we pray that God will richly bless all our endeavours. I enclose a wall planner with details of all the events until next summer and hope you will find it useful. Special thanks to John and Lorraine Hales for their great work organising the wall planner.

Songs of Praise and Barbeque
The first event will take place this Sunday, 13th September. You are all warmly invited to come to our Songs of Praise in All Saints’ at 11.00 a.m. After the Service we will all gather for a Parish Barbeque in the church grounds and this will give us a wonderful opportunity to meet each other and share conversation and good company. The invitation goes to everyone in the Parish of all ages, and I hope the occasion will be very well supported. If you would like to bring a salad to the Barbeque on Sunday it would be appreciated. Everything else will be provided.

Autumn Whist Drive
A special Whist Drive will be held in All Saints’ Parish Hall on Friday 2nd October in memory of Elsie Bourke. Elsie’s organisation of the Whist Drives over so many years was greatly appreciated by everyone and her lovely family would like to hold a special Whist Drive in memory of her. I hope it will be very well supported and I invite you to mark this date in your diary.

Children and Youth in the Parish
As part of the Parish Development, we hope to organise a very special Children’s and Youth Program. Special meetings will be held for parents on Thursday evening 17th September and Thursday evening 24th September. The meetings will be at 8.00 p.m. in All Saints’. I have written to each family in the Parish and I hope at least one parent will be able to attend from each family.

Christian Dance Workshop- Sunday 27th September.
As part of the development of the Children’s ministry in the Parish, we hope to introduce Christian Dance in church worship. Siobhan Murphy, who is so very well known as a dance teacher in Mullingar, and is so expert in this area, has kindly agreed to both organise and instruct the young people in Christian dance. She will be holding an introductory workshop in All Saints’ on Sunday 27th September at 4.00 p.m. for girls and boys between the ages of 8 to 12 years. I do hope this will be very well supported. Everyone who has had the privilege of seeing Siobhan’s choreography will know how inspirational and moving her dance routines are. We are so blessed that Siobhan has agreed to assist the Parish in this way and we warmly thank her for agreeing to undertake this task.

The Rev. Trevor Holmes will be ordained in All Saints’ by the Bishop on Monday 21st September at 8.00 p.m. Trevor will be “a non-stipendiary curate”. He currently is in full-time employment and will be in the Parish on three Sundays each month, and for one evening per week. We warmly welcome Trevor and we hope he will have a very fulfilled ministry during his time with us.

Living Links
A special Service will be held in the Cathedral at 7.30 p.m. on Thursday 10th September to mark World Suicide Prevention Day. This is an ecumenical Service and everyone is warmly welcome to attend.

Heritage Week
I would like to thank everyone who assisted in any way during Heritage Week last month. I would particularly like to thank Karen Lomax for her overall organisation of the event. While the number of visitors was small, I am sure that those who visited the different churches were greatly inspired by their visits.

Diocesan Synod
The Diocesan Synod will be held on Saturday 26th September at 11.00 a.m. in Wilson’s Hospital School.

Holy Baptism
We welcomed into God’s family in All Saints’ on Sunday 2nd August, Grace Carmel Leslie. It was a lovely occasion and we will continue to remember Grace, her parents and godparents in our prayers as she begins her journey of faith.

Holy Matrimony
David Williams and Charyn White were married on Saturday 5th September. We would like to congratulate them on their marriage and wish them well for their married life together. It was a lovely occasion and was celebrated in beautiful summer sunshine. Charyn grew up in the Parish and her mum and dad, Colin and Veronica, still live in the family home in Mullingar.

Harvest Festivals
The Harvest Festivals in the Parish will be held during the month of October. The Harvest Festival in Killucan will be held at 11.30 a.m. on Sunday 11th October and the Harvest Festival at Kilbixy will also be held on 11th October at 4.00 p.m. The Harvest Service in All Saints’ will be held at 11.00 a.m. on Sunday 18th October. The Harvest at Almoritia has been deferred due to essential work on the Church.

Little Bible Course
A special course on the Bible will be held each evening from Monday 12th October to Friday 16th October from 8.00 p.m.-10.00 p.m. in the Greville Arms Hotel. We are very privileged that Scott Evans, the Church of Ireland chaplain in Trinity and UCD, has undertaken to teach this Course. Scott is a wonderful bible scholar and this is a rich opportunity to learn all about the Bible from Genesis to Revelations. I hope the Course will be very well supported by the Parish. The Parish Bible Study will resume in November.

Ecumenical Prayers at St. Biseach’s Well at Kilbixy
Pope Francis has asked that Christian would gather for a special Ecumenical Service during the month of September. Our Parish will be joining with other Christians in the Mullingar area on Sunday 13th September at 6.30 p.m. for this special occasion. You are invited to meet at Kilbixy church at 6.15 p.m. when you will be escorted down to the St. Biseach’s Well. Wellingtons or waterproof shoes are recommended.

We warmly congratulate Fr. Michael Kilmartin on his appointment as Parish Priest of Longwood. We wish him well in his new ministry and will remember him on our prayers.

Coffee Morning (in aid of Hospice Nurses)
Saturday 19th September @ 10.30 am
in Mornington House, Multyfarnham (will be signposted from Crookedwood)
Hosts: Warwick and Ann O’Hara
All Welcome

You may like to keep in touch with the Parish through the website and your family and friends may also like to have the web address. The address is I encourage you to continue to look at the website and to also advise your family and friends about it. Facebook page can be found here and you can follow us on Twitter @MullingaUP

With God’s blessings,
Rev. Alastair Graham, Rector
The Rectory, Gaol’s Hill, Mullingar, Co. Westmeath.
Telephone No. 044-934 8376

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