Issue 172 Union Notes

Dear Parishioners,

We have combined the July and August notes into this edition along with all
Church services up to the 1 st September. Please note the change of service on
the 7 th July in Kilbixy at the earlier time of 10am. There is a Family Service in
Killucan on 7 th July, all welcome and this will be followed by tea and tasty
homemade treats.

An evening service is being held in Almoritia on 14 th July
which Archdeacon Stevenson is taking. This will be followed by light
refreshments. There are light refreshments after most morning services and we
look forward to catching up over a cup of tea.

Youth Group
Happy holidays to all the children just starting their summer holidays and we
hope all the other students who are on school holidays are having a good time.
We had another afternoon of laughter and giggles at games in June and a fun
evening in the ‘Hub’.

We are taking the month of July off for youth activities but we are back in
August. We look forward to seeing you all then along with new friends. Have a
good break. If anybody is interested in becoming a youth leader/ helper please
let one of the Church Wardens known.

August dates for the diary: Saturday 10th August Board games(3pm. – 5p.m.)
and August 23 rd 7pm to 8.30pm Youth Group at the Hub.

Lighten Our Darkness video launch.
The video produced by the Lighten Our Darkness group was launched on
Tuesday last, 25th July by Bishop Storey in the Greville and co-ordinated by
Rev Alastair Graham. It was wonderful to see Olive and Alastair back in
Mullingar. Congratulations to all involved with this production. Further details
about the video will be in our next issue.

All Saints’ Summer Camp
Luke and Ester Hawkins are running their fun packed and exciting summer
camp from Wednesday 14 th to Friday 16 th August, 10am – 12.30pm for all ages
of primary school children. If you are interested in attending please contact
Arthur O’Toole, 087 9733233.

Church Services July 2024

Tuesday 6th August,
Transfiguration of our Lord, Holy Communion 11am All Saints’

7th July Sixth Sunday after Trinity
All Saints’ 10am Morning Prayer
Killucan 11.30am Morning Prayer, Family Service
Kilbixy 10am Holy Communion. Please join us for coffee afterwards.

14th July Seventh Sunday after Trinity
All Saints’ 10am Morning Prayer
Killucan 11.30am Morning Prayer
Almoritia 7pm Holy Communion, Archdeacon Stevenson. Please join us for
coffee afterwards.

21st July Eight Sunday after Trinity
All Saints’ 10am Holy Communion
Killucan 11.30am Holy Communion
Kilbixy 11.30am Morning Prayer

Thursday 25 th July : 11a.m. All Saints’-Feast of St. James the Apostle
28th July Ninth Sunday after Trinity
All Saints’ 10am Morning Prayer
Almoritia 11.30 Morning Prayer

Food for Thought : The Season of Trinity
The newly ordained young curate asked his rector for advice about preaching.
The rector replied preach about God, and preach about twenty minutes’.
Whatever about the duration of preaching, the advice about the content was
relevant then, as it remains today. Preaching about God continues to be much
need in the Church today. God’s mercy, God’s love, and God’s forgiveness are
themes which richly deserve to be highlighted over and over again, directing
our thoughts away from the distractions of ambition, success and self despair.
The Church’s year provides for this in its twenty-plus Sundays after Trinity

Now that the major church festivals of Advent, Christmas, Epiphany, Lent,
Easter, Ascension and Pentecost are past, our thoughts and prayers on these
Sundays of Trinity can settle into the pleasant and refreshing routine of
meditating on God’s mercy, love and forgiveness. PL

Church Services August 2024
Sunday 4th August Tenth Sunday after Trinity
All Saints’ 10am Morning Prayer
Killucan 11.30am Morning Prayer
Almoritia 10am Holy Communion. Please join us for coffee afterwards.

Tuesday 6 th August
11a.m. All Saints – Transfiguration of our Lord-~Holy Communion
Sunday 11th August Eleventh Sunday after Trinity
All Saints’ 10am Morning Prayer
Killucan 11.30am Morning Prayer

Sunday 18th August Twelfth Sunday after Trinity
All Saints 10am Holy Communion
Killucan 11.30am Holy Communion

Saturday 24th August,
St Bartholomew’s Day, Holy Communion 11am All Saints’

Sunday 25 th August Thirteenth Sunday after Trinity
All Saints’ 10am Morning Prayer
Kilbixy 11.30am Morning Prayer

Sunday 1 st September Fourteenth Sunday after Trinity
All Saints’ 10am Morning Prayer
Killucan 11.30am Morning Prayer
Kilbixy 10am Holy Communion. Please join us for coffee afterwards.

Lighten Our Darkness
During May several small teams including Lighten our Darkness young leaders
visited some of the graveyards in the parish which are designated “ Gods
Gardens of Hope” to monitor the growth of the young trees planted there last
year and carry out some maintenance work to ensure these spots are not allowed
to become derelict wilderness.
These Saturday morning events last about 2 hours and are a very enjoyable and
a great opportunity to meet up and do a little for the environment. The events
are coordinated by Catherine Gibson Brabazon, John Duggan and David Miller
and theirs thanks goes to everyone who turns out. If you would like to join one
of these outings please contact one of the three organisers or your Church

Select Vestry meeting
A meeting of the Select Vestry will be held at 7.30pm in the Church hall on
Tuesday 10th September.

Emergency Pastoral Care
During the vacancy Canon Patrick Lawrence is available for emergency
pastoral care. His contact details are 0449222109 or 0860562944

Church Warden Contacts
All Saints’ Arthur O’Toole 087 9733233
Almoritia Catherine Gibson Brabazon 087 7461650
Killucan Ari Gorissen 087 2742260
Kilbixy David Miller 086 1234001  Violet Medforth 087 6181155

Parish Website :

Parish Secretary Richard Williamson :

Official Document Clerical Signature
If you have any application forms that require a Clerical signature Archdeacon
Stevenson will assist.

Please enclose a stamped addressed envelope with your
communication to him. Any queries on this matter please contact Richard
Williamson, Parish Secretary, contact details above.

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