Issue 43 “UNION NEWS” September 2013

Dear parishioners
I hope you had an enjoyable summer.We all greatly appreciated the good weather which benefitted not only farmers working on the land, but also our feeling of well being. The good weather and sunshine enabled us all to feel so much better in ourselves and it was, in every sense, ‘a great tonic’. During the month of September Parish activities start up again and the teachers and children return to the Parish school. I would like to congratulate all the young people on the results of their exams. To those who finished Third Level and are starting their careers, we wish them everything good. To those leaving Second Level and going on to Third Level education, we wish them every success in their studies. To those starting in Secondary School, we wish them well with their education. To all those beginning or returning to National School, we hope this period of their education will be a very happy time.

All Saints’ National School
Plans for the celebration of the 50th Anniversary of the School on its’ present site are well in hand. The main event will be held on Saturday 28th September. At 3.30 p.m. the All Saints’ School 50th Anniversary Exhibition will open, followed by a Thanksgiving Service at 5pm in the church. At 7.30 p.m. the Anniversary Dinner will be held in the Greville Arms Hotel. Invitations have been sent to everyone with an association with the School, either as pupil or parent and it will be lovely to meet everyone for this very special celebration.

The All Saints’ Sunday Club
Sunday Club will open for the new session on Sunday 6th October and we look forward to meeting all the children and leaders after the summer break. A special meeting for the leaders will be held on Monday 16th September at 8.00 p.m. in The Rectory. If anyone would like to become a leader they would be most welcome to attend the meeting.

All Saints’ Parish Choir
Choir Practices will commence from Wednesday 4th September in All Saints’ Church. Everyone is most welcome, whether you can give either a part time or a full time commitment.

Christian Voices Together
The very successful Lecture Series held last year will commence again on Sunday 13th October at 8.00 p.m. in All Saints’ Church. The first lecture will be given by Professor Ferdinand Prodnzynsai, who is currently Principal of the Robert Gordon University in Aberdeen, Scotland. Prof. Prodnzynsai is one of the leading lights in education at this time and, of course, had a formidable influence when he was Principal of Dublin City University prior to taking up his current position. The title of his lecture is “Education Skills and Values – Have we got it right?” I warmly invite you to this lecture and I know it will be of particular interest to teachers and parents involved in education.

Parish Development
A very good meeting was held on Thursday 15th August with younger parents from the Parish and many of the suggestions they made will enhance the Parish Development Program which the Select Vestry is currently finalising. The role and place of the Church in our community and, indeed, country, is very important but it needs to be both responsive to and appreciative of the current needs of people. This Development Program will provide for a very interesting phase in the history of the Parish and I hope it will be very warmly and widely supported by parishioners. When the Select Vestry has finalised the Program everyone will be invited to the launch.

Parish Plant and Cake Sale 2014
In order to have perennials in good condition by the next Sale, we hope to divide, pot and label plants in September and help would be greatly appreciated. If any parishioner is available to help, would they please telephone Catherine Gibson-Brabazon on 087-7461650.

Visit to Wexford Flower Festival
A special bus trip is being organised to Wexford on Saturday 14th September, to include a visit to a Flower Festival, a visit to the house and gardens of Wells Estate, and an evening meal in the Glenview Hotel. If you wish to go on the outing contact Jean Kilmartin on 044-9375144.

Diocesan Synod
The Diocesan Synod will be held at 10.00 a.m. in Wilsons Hospital on Saturday 28th September.

Heritage Week
I would like to thank all the volunteers who acted as stewards in the churches during Heritage Week. The church visitors very much enjoyed seeing the different churches and were appreciative of the stewards’ advice and welcome.

Select Vestry
The Select Vestry meet on Monday 23rd September at 8.00 p.m in the Rectory.

Songs of Praise
Songs of Praise will be held in All Saints’ Church on Sunday 29th September. This has been very popular since its’ inception three years ago and I warmly welcome parishioners and friends to this Service, when we will have the opportunity to sing much-loved hymns.

Holy Baptism
Tom David O’Malley was baptised in Killucan Church on Sunday 18th August. We remember Tom, his parents and godparents, in our prayers.

Harvest Thanksgiving
The Kilbixy Harvest Thanksgiving will be held on Sunday 6th October at 5.00 p.m. followed by a Harvest Supper. The Harvest in All Saints’ and Almoritia will be held on Sunday 13th October and the Killucan’s Harvest Festival will be held on Sunday 27th October. Full details will be in the next Union Notes.

Killucan Bi-Centenary Organ Recital
A special Organ Recital to mark the Bi-Centenary will be held on Sunday 20th October at 8.00 p.m. in Killucan church. The guest organist will be Stuart Nicholson, who is the Organist and Master of Choristers at St. Patrick’s Cathedral in Dublin. This promises to be a most inspiring occasion and I hope it will be very well supported by the Parish.

Kilbixy Lecture
The next Kilbixy Lecture will be held on Friday 4th October at 8.00 p.m. in Kilbixy Church. Rory O’Donnell will speak on “Pugin in Ireland”.

Boys’ Brigade and Girls’ Association
The next session of the Boys’ Brigade and Girls’ Association will commence on Tuesday 24th September at 7.00 p.m. in All Saints’ Parish Hall. All children are welcome.

Rev. Jean Wynne
Jean will be on duty from Thursday 29th August until Friday 13th September and will conduct the Sunday Services in the Parish and deal with any emergency. Jean can be contacted at 086-3564590

With God’s blessings,

Rev. Alastair Graham, Rector
The Rectory, Gaol’s Hill, Mullingar, Co. Westmeath.
Telephone No. 044-934 8376

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